Enter the new PIN1 again.
You hear the positive acknowledge tone.
Changing PIN2
Enter the new PIN2 (6-character).
Enter the new PIN2 again.
You will hear the positive acknowledge tone.
3.5.9 Functions without operation
Analogue external connection (POTS)
Depending on the device configuration, the analogue exchange connection is assigned by
dialling the exchange code.
Post-dial delay
The telephone number you entered is only dialled by the device after a configured delay.
Post-dial delay (1...5 seconds) can be set in the configuration for the analogue exchange
connection. To identify the end of a telephone number, the dial-end monitoring timer is star-
ted after each digit entered. As soon as this timer has expired, the connection is estab-
lished. Only change the basic timer setting if absolutely necessary.
Dialling break
The dialling break is needed as the device does not recognise the external dialling tone. As
not every analogue exchange takes the call directly after the receiver is lifted, a manual
break is inserted here. You must determine the duration of the break up to the start of dial-
Transfer of charges
The transfer of charges can be configured for the analogue exchange connection. The fre-
quency of the charge pulse (12 kHz or 16 kHz) is set centrally.
Incoming calls
Incoming calls will be passed to an extension as prescribed in the configuration. A caller
will then also hear the ring tone if the call is signalled to an busy extension. It is not pos-
sible to signal an engaged status to the caller. The caller hears the ringing tone until he or
3 User's guide for telephone functions
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
funkwerk TR200aw/bw