The first character in this field must not be a number and no
special characters or umlauts must be used either.
Connection Type
Select which layer 1 protocol your device should use.
This setting applies for outgoing connections to the connection
partner and only for incoming connections from the connection
partner if they could be identified on the basis of the calling
party number.
Possible values:
!09. /*
: For 64-kbps ISDN data connections.
!09. /*
: For 56-kbps ISDN data connections.
User name
Enter your device code (local PPP user name).
Remote User (for Dialin
Enter the code of the remote terminal (remote PPP user name).
Enter the password.
Always on
Select whether the interface should always be activated.
The function is activated with
The function is not activated by default.
Only activate this option if you have Internet access with a flat-
rate charge.
Connection Idle Timeout Enter the idle time in seconds for static short hold. The static
short hold setting determines how many seconds should pass
between sending the last traffic data packet and clearing the
Possible values are
(seconds). A value of
that the connection is set up again immediately after disconnec-
tion and
deactivates short hold. The default value is
Fields in the IP Mode and Routesmenu
IP Address Mode
Select whether your device is to be assigned a static IP address
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
11 WAN
funkwerk TR200aw/bw