Note: If you use certificates for authentication and your certific-
ate contains alternative subject names (see
page 269), you must make sure your device selects the first al-
ternative subject name by default. Make sure you and your peer
both use the same name, i.e. that your local ID and the peer ID
your partner configures for you are identical.
Alive Check
During the communication between two IPSec-Peers it may occur that one of the peers be-
comes unreachable, e.g. because of routing problems or a reboo¬ting gateway. This will
usually not be discovered before the SA Lifetime has ended. Until then, data are lost. To
avoid this situation, a num¬ber of mechanisms are available to verify the reachability of a
peer. In Alive Check you select whether a mechanism is activated to verify a peer’s reach-
ability. Two mechanisms are available: Heartbeats and Dead Peer Detection.
The Advanced Settingsmenu consists of the following fields:
Fields in the Advanced Settings menu
Alive Check
Select the method to be used to check the functionality of the
IPSec connection.
In addition to the default method Dead Peer Detection (DPD),
the (proprietary) Heartbeat method is implemented. This sends
and receives signals every 5 seconds, depending on the config-
uration. If these signals are not received after 20 seconds, the
SA is discarded as invalid.
Possible values:
(default value): Your device detects and uses
the mode supported by the remote terminal.
: Your device sends and expects no heartbeat. Set this
option if you use devices from other manufacturers.
A""* '%:/)" -(
: Your device expects a
heartbeat from the peer but does not send one itself.
A""* '0 -(
: Your device expects no heart-
beat from the peer, but sends one itself.
A""* '0 K %:/)"(
: Your device expects a
heartbeat from the peer and sends one itself.
12 VPN
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
funkwerk TR200aw/bw