she terminates the connection. As engaged tone detection is not possible for the analogue
exchange connections, incoming calls are terminated automatically. This prevents the ana-
logue connection from being permanently busy after the caller replaces the receiver.
For each analogue connection, you can separately define whether calling line identification
(CLIP) is to take place. If CLIP is switched on, a call over the corresponding analog con-
nection is only signalled after CLIP information has been received in full (extension).
Call waiting/call waiting protection
Call waiting and the transmission of CLIP off hook information by the exchange cannot be
influenced (deactivated) by the device. If you do not want to use the function, you must de-
activate them in the exchange.
SMS in fixed network
SMSs can also be sent and received over the analogue connections.
Keypad functions/Netz-Direkt
For analogue exchange connection, internal keypad dialling is converted to external MFC
Call assignment day and night (call allocation)
Perhaps you want to transfer calls made after office hours to your home (home office) to an
answering machine, so that you are not disturbed, or you have a fixed time schedule and at
certain times of day are neither in the office or at home. However, on Sundays you want to
be contactable in your workshop. In the configuration for the day/night call assignment, you
can define which internal telephones are to ring when an external call is received. Select
the external telephone numbers in the required call assignment (day or night). You then as-
sign this telephone number to the internal subscriber to whom the call is to be signalled. If
the call allocation is switched by the Switch times from day to night, it will ring where you
The day and night call allocation can only be switched via the Switch times.
Switching times (calendar)
The day and night call allocation is automatically switched according to the Switch times.
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
3 User's guide for telephone functions
funkwerk TR200aw/bw