Fields in the Basic Parameters menu
Select the country in which you want to use your system.
The default value is
Die Konfigurierung über die Telefone ist mit einer 4-stelligen
PIN1 geschützt. Die PIN1 benötigen Sie für einige Einstellungen
über das Telefon (z. B. Reset oder Passwortänderung).
Ändern Sie die PIN1 (Auslieferungszustand
Fields in the Dial ranges menu
National prefix
A prefix is made up of the National prefix and the City code
(without national prefix).
Enter the desired prefix.
The default value is
(in Germany).
City code (without na-
tional prefix)
A prefix is made up of the National prefix and the City code
(without national prefix). The city code (area code) is used to
determine the destination for long-distance calls.
Enter the desired area code.
International prefix
A prefix for abroad is made up of the International prefix and
the Country code (without international prefix).
Enter the desired international prefix.
The default value is
(in Germany).
Country code (without
international prefix)
A prefix for abroad is made up of the International prefix and
the Country code (without international prefix). The country
code is used to identify the country for international calls.
Enter the desired country code.
Fields in the Changeable access numbers menu
14 PBX
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
funkwerk TR200aw/bw