Hydraulic connections
Connecting the heating circuit
Heating installations must be able to guarantee a minimum flow rate at all
times. This is defined by the parameter HP010. The nominal flow rate
sought by the heat pump for optimum running is defined by the parameter
HP069. If the flow rate is too low, the heat pump may shut itself down for
its own protection; the heating, cooling and domestic hot water functions
are then no longer guaranteed.
To ensure maintenance and accessibility to the various compo
nents in the module, the hydraulic pipes have been purposely de
signed with a degree of play. This play is necessary and control
led. This pipe design guarantees the tightness of the product.
1. Make the hydraulic connections between the indoor module, the
heating circuit and the boiler if there is hydraulic back-up
To ensure optimum operation of the back-up boiler, the flow rate
of the boiler must always be higher than that of the installation.
2. Install a 500 µm filter on the heating return of the indoor module
(mandatory): Optional package .
Respect the mounting direction of the filter.
Fit drainage valves between the indoor module and the heating
3. Install an automatic air vent at the highest point on the heating cir
4. Calculate the volume of water in the heating circuit and check the
volume of the appropriate expansion vessel using DTU65–11. Use
the maximum temperature of the circuit in heating mode or, failing
that, a minimum of 55 °C. If the volume of the integrated 8-litre ex
pansion vessel is not sufficient, add an external vessel to the heat
ing circuit.
5. Connect the heating return for the indoor module.
6. Connect the heating flow for the indoor module.
When connecting the heating circuit, hold the connection at the in
door module end with a spanner to avoid piercing the pipe inside
the appliance.
In case of a direct circuit with radiators fitted with thermostatic
valves, install a differential valve to ensure flow. In the case of
standard valves, leave one radiator permanently open to allow wa
ter to circulate and to ensure a minimum flow.
7 Installation
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