IM AQ1300-01EN
Offset Setting
Set the Rx base filter when Type is set to Offset.
Set the Rx base filter offset.
Range: 0 to 255 bytes
Set the pattern comparison method for when the Rx base filter method is offset.
• Bit: The Rx data is compared using the specified bit offset, width, and comparison pattern.
Comparison occurs within the specified bit width.
• Mask: The Rx data is compared using the specified comparison byte length, mask pattern, and
comparison pattern. Only areas where the mask pattern bit is 1 are compared.
Bit Offset
Set the Rx base filter bit offset. This setting is valid when Bit/Mask is set to Bit.
Range: 0 to 47 bits
Width in bits
Set the Rx base filter width in bits. This setting is valid when Bit/Mask is set to Bit.
Range: 1 to 48 bits
Set the Rx base filter comparison byte length. This setting is valid when Bit/Mask is set to Mask.
Range: 1 to 6 bytes
Mask Pattern
Set the Rx base filter mask pattern. This setting is valid when Bit/Mask is set to Mask.
Select the field adjustment value input format.
• DEC: The value input format is decimal.
• HEX: The value input format is hexadecimal.
• IPv4: The value input format is IPv4.
Set the Rx base filter comparison pattern.
6.5 Configuring a Traffic Test