Chapter 8
4460 GSM System Option and 4468 EDGE System Option
Version 12.20
Example 3
Converting the string read into numeric variables.
index = 0
rftx_result_all$ = rftx_result_all$ + “,”
P = INSTR(rftx_result_all$, “,”)
result(index) = VAL(LEFT$(rftx_result_all$, P –
rftx_result_all$ = MID$(rftx_result_all$, P +1))
index = index + 1
LOOP UNTIL rftx_result_all$=””
This example program looks for the commas, separating the single measurement
result values. Then it reads the part of the string between the commas and
converts it back into a numeric variable.
More details regarding this example program can be found in section
Important notes:
– Please keep in mind that RAPID! has to check the GPIB actively as there will
be no automated reaction to any GPIB control sequences. However, please
note that measurement results, polled through GPIB commands will also be
available for any RAPID! program.
– To make sure that the 4400 is not blocked by other tasks, only perform
RAPID! or SCPI measurements from the
– In order to prevent the 4400 from ‘waiting for eternity’, use a standard
timeout of 10 s (allow more time for complicated measurements like RX
– A timeout does not speed up things (or slow them down). A call establish-
ment will take its time.
Reading SCPI data
To read SCPI data (such as measurement results) into RAPID!, the INPUT
command is used.
Again, the SCPI system has to be opened as a communication port first.
This example reads out the version of the 4400.
All results handed back from the SCPI system have the format of a string.
Should there be more than one result, the single results will be separated by