Appendix A
SCPI Command Reference
MEASure subsystem
4460 GSM System Option and 4468 EDGE System Option
Version 12.20
Starts a continuous measurement of the ACPM modulation spectrum. To read out the
latest measurement results, use the
According to GSM specification 05.05, this measurement will be performed on
(±)100 kHz and (±)250 kHz offset from the carrier as well as on all multiples of 200
kHz offset from the carrier up to (and including) an offset of (±)1.8 MHz. If one
includes the carrier frequency as well (0.0 dBc), this adds up to the 23 measurement
values returned. All measurements will be performed with a measuring bandwidth of
30 kHz.
The query form of this command starts the measurement and delivers a string, con-
taining 23 measurement result values separated by commas. These 23 measurement
result values are floating point real numbers with the physical dimension dBc (dB rel-
ative to the carrier, being the transmission frequency of the mobile). The 23 values
represent the power in a 30 kHz bandwidth at the following frequencies: -1.8 MHz, -
1.6 MHz, -1.4 MHz, -1.2 MHz, -1.0 MHz, -800 kHz, -600 kHz, -400 kHz, -250 kHz, -
200 kHz, -100 kHz, 0 kHz, +100 kHz, 200 kHz, 250 kHz, 400 kHz, 600 kHz, 800 kHz,
1.0 MHz, 1.2 MHz, 1.4 MHz, 1.6 MHz, 1.8 MHz.
In this case, a measurement of the modulation spectrum will be performed. As soon
as the measurement has been completed, a string will be delivered back containing
23 floating point real numbers.
There are no parameters.
Starts a continuous measurement of the ACPM modulation spectrum. To read out the
latest measurement results, use the
The first result is the absolute power in dBm, measured at the center frequency.
The remaining 23 values are the same as in the
According to GSM specification 05.05, this measurement will be performed on
(±)100 kHz and (±)250 kHz offset from the carrier as well as on all multiples of
200 kHz offset from the carrier up to (and including) an offset of (±)1.8 MHz. If
one includes the carrier frequency as well (0.0 dBc), this adds up to the 23 mea-
surement values returned. All measurements will be performed with a measuring
bandwidth of 30 kHz.
The query form of this command starts the measurement and delivers a string, con-
taining the absolute power at the center frequency (within a 30 kHz bandwidth) as
the first value with the physical dimension of dBm and after that 23 measurement
result values, all separated by commas. These 23 measurement result values are float-
ing point real numbers with the physical dimension dBc (dB relative to the carrier,
being the transmission frequency of the mobile). The 23 values represent the power in
a 30 kHz bandwidth at the following frequencies: -1.8 MHz, -1.6 MHz, -1.4 MHz,
- 1.2 MHz, -1.0 MHz, -800 kHz, -600 kHz, -400 kHz, -250 kHz, -200 kHz, -100 kHz,
0 kHz, +100 kHz, 200 kHz, 250 kHz, 400 kHz, 600 kHz, 800 kHz, 1.0 MHz, 1.2 MHz,
1.4 MHz, 1.6 MHz, 1.8 MHz.