Appendix A
SCPI Command Reference
MEASure subsystem
4460 GSM System Option and 4468 EDGE System Option
Version 12.20
Starts a continuous measurement of the mobile's RF output power level on eight
user-definable positions of the ramping phases of a burst (the so-called corner
points). To read out the latest measurement results, use the
For details regarding this RF TX measurement, please refer to section Burst Results
More details regarding the corner points can be found in section Corner Points.
The corner points can also be set using the
The query form of this command will start the measurement and return eight mea-
surement result values as soon as the first measurement has been completed. The
string delivered back will contain eight floating point real numbers with the physical
dimension of dBm. The single values are separated by commas.
The string returned in this example is: "
-72.18,-61.91,-20.91,-0.05, -
There are no parameters.
Starts a continuous measurement of the mobile's UL burst shape. To read out the
measurement result values of the last burst sampled, use the
The aim of this measurement is to obtain the pure RF power levels, sampled by the
Willtek 4400 in order to display the shape of the burst graphically on another com-
puter or to perform some special analysis of the burst shape.
For details regarding the burst measurement, also refer to section Burst Test Menu.
Further information regarding this kind of measurement can be found in section
The query form of this command will start the measurement and return an array of
measurement result values as soon as the first measurement has been completed. The
string delivered back will contain 711 floating point real numbers with the physical
dimension of dB (except the first two).
The first data position of the array is the absolute position of the middle of the burst
(i.e. bit 73) within the burst data supplied. In order to allocate the RF power level
obtained for the middle of the burst,
add 2
to this first value of the array to find the
relative position within this data array (as the first two positions of this array are no
data values).
The second number is the
peak power level of the burst in dBm, obtained at
the middle of the burst.
All following 709 data values are
RF power levels (in dB) with the peak power
level (second data value of the array) being the reference.
The single measurement result values are separated by commas.