Specialized Concentrated Focused
Advantageous Functions
Weihong control system realizes bidirectional screw pitch error compensation and can confirm the
correction of forward and backward direction by one measure of machine tool precision, which greatly
reduce work load of machine tool measurement and improve positioning accuracy, while for traditional
compensation, backlash value and screw pitch error value are measured separately with
compensation table made afterwards.
It has been found that lead screw error compensation greatly improves positioning accuracy and
repeated positioning accuracy of CNC machine tools.
6.2. Power Failure Resume
Apart from breakpoint resume function, the software is also in possession of power failure resume
6.2.1. Function of Power Failure Resume
Given the problem of sudden power failure, our system holds power failure resume which can avoid
damaging system files due to sudden power failure. Owing to breakpoint resume and accurately
returning to machine origin, etc, it is reliable to recover machining site to improve machining efficiency
and reduce losses.
6.2.2. Usage of Power Failure Resume
1) Home all axes before machining.
2) Home all axes again after restarting the system in case of sudden power failure during machining.
3) Use
―Breakpoint Resume‖ function on the software to continue machining from the position where
power failure happens.
To achieve accurate power failure resume, it is essential to back to machine origin
6.3. Frog Leaping Function
6.3.1. Function of Frog Leaping
When there is no frog leaping function, the cutting process of a cutter is divided into three parts: after
finishing cutting a curve, the machine moves up perpendicularly in the Z axis, then moves the cutting