Specialized Concentrated Focused
Menu Functions
As shown above, each layer can be set its speed, power, action before and after arc striking, action
before and after arc closing.
For example, set action before arc striking as opening Z-axis cylinder after delay 300ms, and closing it
after delay 100ms. The concrete operations are as follows: select the layer to be modified and then
use buttons in
―Action Editing‖ under ―Before On‖:
1) Select
―Open‖ action and ―Z-Cylinder‖ port in ―Port‖ column;
2) Insert a delay and modify delay time to 300ms;
3) Select
―Close‖ action in ―Port‖ column;
4) Insert a delay and modify delay time to 100ms;
5) Move up or down the action sequence in terms of the actual situation.
In the column of
―Action Editing‖, clicking ―Insert Delay‖ will insert a delay action before current action.
The delay time can be modified with default value as 100ms. Clicking
―Insert Port‖ will insert a port
action with modifiable attribute before current action.
The material library function is added for the convenience of directly calling the set parameters of
machining materials. This function can save N groups of parameters. After saving the set parameters
of a certain material, next time machining the same material can call this group of parameters to save
time and avoid mistakes.
As shown above, when the parameters of current layer is set, clicking
―SaveLibrary‖ will eject the
―Save to Library‖ dialog, as shown in Fig. 4-31, in which enter the name of this group of parameters,
and then click
―OK‖ to save parameters.
When there is a need to call the saved group of parameters, click
―LoadLibrary‖ and then select the
desired group, and then click