Function Description
750-806 Fieldbus Controller DeviceNet
Version 2.0.0
Figure 40: Example Declaration of Remanent Flags by “var retain”
This breakdown can be varied (see following explanation).
NOVRAM memory allocation can be changed in WAGO-I/O-PRO!
The breakdown of the NOVRAM can be modified when required in the
programming software WAGO-I/O-
/Register “Resources”/Dialog window
“Target system settings”.
The start address for the flag and retain range is specified by default as
16#100000 for the fieldbus controller. The range sizes and the start address can be
varied, however.
If you use the default values, the flag and retain range will overlap. Depending on
the declaration in the program, the range is then used for flag or retain variables.
In order to prevent an overlapping of the ranges, you can specify 16#102000 as
the retain start address, for example. In this case, the flags will be stored first
(starting with 16#100000) and then the retain variables (starting with 16#102000).