Physical Port Number: The physical port number on the switch which can be
obtained through the front panel of the switch.
For instance: Port number 2/0/3 indicates the physical port3 on the switch whose unit
number is 2.
Configuration Files Application Rules:
It includes global configuration and interface
configuration two parts.
The global configurations of all stack members are the same. Besides, each
member device keeps pace with the global configuration of the master device
which enables the stack system to work just like a single entity in the network. The
stack system adopts the following methods to ensure the synchronization of
global configuration files:
When the stack initializes, the master device will compare the configuration files
of each stack member and reconfigure the device whose global configuration is
different from its own, so as to ensure the global configuration of the stack
members are exactly the same.
When the stack is work normally, any global configuration of users will be
recorded to the current configuration files of master and then be synchronized to
the other members in the stack.
Each stack member only saves the configuration of its own ports. Even when user
sets the configuration for all ports, the configuration will also be saved and
implemented only on the related stack member which the ports belong to.
Stack Maintenance
Stack maintenance mainly functions to monitor the join and leave of member devices,
collect the new topology at any times and maintain the current topology.
When the stack is operating normally, packets are transmitted constantly between
stack members. The switch can quickly judge the link status of the stack port via
monitoring the response of the packets. When the switch detects the link status
changes, it will recollect system topology and update topology database to ensure the
normal operation of the stack.
The events that will change the link status of the stack port which thus affecting the
system topology include: stack member failure or leave, new member's coming, link
failure or failure recovery, etc.
When the master switch fails, the stack system elects a new master from the remaining
members to succeed the previous master.
Stack Management
Before configuring the stack, we highly recommend you to prepare the configuration planning
with a clear set of the role and function of each member device. Some configuration needs
device reboot to take effect, so you are kindly recommended to configure the stack at first,
next connect the devices physically after powering off them, then you can power them on and
the devices will join the stack automatically. After stack is established, users can log in the
stack system through any member devices to configure and manage it.