Specify the authentication type as Login or Enable.
Configure the authencation method with priorities.
View and delete the configured method priority list in the Authentication Login Method List and
Authentication Enable Method List.
Entry Description:
Method List
Define a method list name.
List Type:
Specify the authentication type as Login or Enable. Login stands
for the Authentication Login Method List, and Enable stands for
the Authentication Enable Method list.
Pri1, Pri2, Pri3,
Specify the authentication methods in order. The next
authentication method is tried only if the previous method does
not respond, not if it fails.
local: Use the local database in the switch for authentication.
enable: Use the locally configured Enable password to verify the
user's credentials.
none: No authentication is used.
line: Use the locally configured Line password to verify the user's
radius: Use the remote RADIUS server/server groups for
tacacs: Use the remote server/server groups for
deny: Deny the authentication. Only Enable Method supports this
If the Enable password is verified on the remote RADIUS server, the switch will send the Enable
authentication with the default username as $enab15$. If the Enable password is verified locally,
the Enable password should be previously set by the admin users using the command lines. For
more details please refer to the command
enable password
in the Command Line Interface
Guide on the resource CD.
Application Authentication List Config
Users can configure authentication method lists on the following access applications: console,
telnet, ssh and http.