Protocol Mode:
Select PIM DM or PIM SM from the radio button to set the
administrative status in the router. The default is disable.
Protocol State:
The multicast routing protocol presently activated and
operational state of the multicast forwarding module.
Table Maximum
Entry Count:
The maximum number of entries in the IP Multicast routing
Table Entry Count:
The number of multicast route entries currently present in
the Multicast route table.
Mroute Table
On this page you can get the desired mroute information through different search options.
Choose the menu
Multicast Routing→Global Config→Mroute Table
to load the following
Figure 11-2 Mroute Table
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Search Option
Select All to display all entries.
Select Group and enter the group of desired entry.
Select Source and enter the source of desired entry.
Mroute Table
The destination group IP address.
The IP address of the multicast packet source to be
combined with the Group IP to fully identify a single route
whose Mroute table entry.
Incoming Interface:
The incoming interface on which multicast packets for this
source/group arrive.
The time in seconds since the entry was created.
The time in seconds before this entry will age out and be
removed from the table.
RPF Neighbor:
The IP address of the Reverse Path Forwarding neighbor.