Entry Description:
Select the unit ID of the desired member in the stack.
Select the desired port for Storm Control configuration. It is
Displays the port number of the switch.
Input the bandwidth for receiving broadcast packets on the
port. The packet traffic exceeding the bandwidth will be
discarded. For gigabit ports, valid values are from 1 to 1488000
pps, and for ten-gigabit ports, valid values are from 1 to
14880000 pps.
Or you can select Disable to disable the broadcast control
function for the port.
Input the bandwidth for receiving multicast packets on the
port. The packet traffic exceeding the bandwidth will be
discarded. For gigabit ports, valid values are from 1 to 1488000
pps, and for ten-gigabit ports, valid values are from 1 to
14880000 pps.
Or you can select Disable to disable the multicast control
function for the port.
Input the bandwidth for receiving UL-Frame on the port. The
packet traffic exceeding the bandwidth will be discarded. For
gigabit ports, valid values are from 1 to 1488000 pps, and for
ten-gigabit ports, valid values are from 1 to 14880000 pps.
Or you can select Disable to disable the UL-Frame control
function for the port.
Displays the LAG number which the port belongs to.
Voice VLAN
The voice VLAN feature is used to prioritize the transmission of voice traffic. Voice traffic is
typically more time-sensitive than data traffic, and the voice quality can deteriorate a lot
because of packet loss and delay. To ensure the high voice quality, you can configure the voice
VLAN and set priority for voice traffic.
OUI Address (Organizationally Unique Identifier Address)
The OUI address is used by the switch to determine whether a packet is a voice packet. An OUI
address is the first 24 bits of a MAC address, and is assigned as a unique identifier by IEEE
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) to a device vendor. If the source MAC address
of a packet complies with the OUI addresses in the switch, the switch identifies the packet as a
voice packet and prioritizes it in transmission.