Parameter Setting
page 99
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
30.5 Service
This submenu contains the following functions:
• Service levels (password-protected); the service levels are reserved exclusively for
NIVUS service personnel
• Restart (of system)
• Powerdown (transmitter goes to energy saving mode)
• Parameter reset (back to default settings)
• System reset (back to default settings plus erasure of all saved data)
Fig. 30-6
30.5.1 Service Level
The service levels are split into different, accordingly password-protected access levels.
The possible settings as well as the information available here require comprehensive expert
knowledge and are not needed for standard applications. This is why the service level is
reserved for NIVUS service personnel exclusively.
30.5.2 Restart
A transmitter restart interrupts the current measuring process.
The system will boot using the parameters previously set (saved). After the boot process the
system behaves as if being switched on (analog to a PC).
This menu point saves you from shutting down and restarting the system. All saved parame-
ters, counters and data will be preserved.
30.5.3 Powerdown
The >Powerdown< function switches the transmitter to energy saving mode. The instrument
will not resume measuring before it has been "woken up".