Putting into Operation
page 41
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
21.2 Android OS
Preparing the NivuFlow Mobile:
1. Ensure power supply: a minimum of one completely charged rechargeable battery
pack either plugged into the instrument or alternatively connected via the multifunc-
tion socket (see chapter „15.1.4 Alternative Power Supply“).
The following step “Wake-Up” can be skipped as soon as the battery pack is
inserted now or when voltage is fed and the connection is set up within the follow-
ing five minutes.
“Waking up” NivuFlow Mobile: hold the accompanying magnet (solenoid, Fig. 21-1
pos. 2) to the reed contact (Fig. 21-1 pos. 1; on front side of NFM) until the LED is
Fig. 21-1
Waking up the NivuFlow Mobile
Steps on the display and operation module (smartphone, tablet, notebook, PC etc.):
1. Start the display and operation module.
Use the “Settings” symbol (Fig. 21-2 pos. 1) to open the according menu.
Fig. 21-2
Settings symbol (example)