Instruction manual
NivuFlow Mobile 600
page 52
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
Fig. 21-26 NFM display in browser
To create a browser favourite (for direct access) click the “Favourites” star
(Fig. 21-27 pos. 1, example here Google Chrome) and confirm with “Finished”
Fig. 21-27 Set up favourites (example)
The bookmark is shown in the bookmarks list (Fig. 21-28 pos. 1) and can be used for instant
access without the need to specify the IP address.
This link can be used for each further NivuFlow Mobile transmitter after it has been selected
from the WLAN list.
Fig. 21-28 Link in the bookmarks bar (example)
After five minutes of inactivity on the display and operation module the message “Session
Timeout” (Fig. 21-29) is shown. Access can be restored instantly by selecting the symbol within