Installation and Connection
page 29
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
14.2.3 Securing the Instrument
Secure the transmitter from being washed away.
When installed in shafts or canals tending to overflow the transmitter shall be secured
against being washed away unintentionally (use suspension bracket, plastic/stainless
steel rope, chain or similar).
14.2.4 Connection Sockets
To protect open, unused connection sockets on the reverse side of the instrument from dirt
or shocks lock the sockets by using the attached caps prior to installation.
The protection degree of the (closed) instrument is IP68 even with open connection sockets.
Damaged or lost caps can be purchased from NIVUS.
15 Electrical Installation/Power Supply
Danger due to electric voltage
Remove the rechargeable batteries from the instrument and if connected to mains power via
the multifunction socket disconnect from mains.
Working on the electric connections may induce the risk of electric shocks. Observe electric
specifications as specified on the nameplate.
Disregarding may lead to personal injury.
Observe the local installation directives.
Make sure to fulfil the requirements mentioned below:
1. Observe that the installation shall be carried out only by qualified expert personnel.
2. For electric installation follow the legal requirements of the according country (in
Germany: e. g. VDE 0100).
3. Observe further (local) statutory standards, regulations and technical rulings.
4. Before feeding the rated voltage the installation of transmitter and sensors must be
completed. Verify whether the installation is correct.
A description on how to connect the sensors can be found starting page 36.
Do not loosen any screws
Do not loosen any screws on the transmitter except the undetachable hexagon socket
screws of the battery compartment cover!
Keep the battery compartment locked during operation.