Parameter Setting
page 97
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
Units for storage
• Metric system - e. g. l/s, m
/s, m
/d, cm/s etc.
• English system - e. g. ft
/s, in, gal/min, Mgal/d, in/s, yd/s etc.
• American system - e. g. gps, gpm, cfs, cfm, cfh, cfd, mgd etc.
Units for the storage of measurement values
• Flow
• Flow Velocity
• Level
• Total
• Temperature
30.3 Time/Date
This submenu allows you to modify the current date and the transmitter system time. The
system time is based on the coordinated universal time UTC (French: „Temps universel coor-
donné“) with "Plus-" or "Minus-Hours" symbols defining the time zones compared to UTC.
NIVUS highly recommends
to leave the transmitter system time unchanged and to define
your time zone as well as summer and winter times by using the >Time Zone (UTC)< function.
Modifications in the >Time/Date< menu may be necessary to switch from summer time to
winter time, due to internal buffer battery failure or after power failure.
The internal clock may deviate when the transmitter has been operated for a long time. Such
deviations can be corrected here.
Changing the system time has an effect on the storage of data. If the data storage option is
enabled, duplicate data or data gaps may occur after the system time has been modified.
Fig. 30-4
System Time
The current system time can be set in the menu above (Fig. 30-4) .
Set the time difference (UTC or GMT) to the prime meridian with "+" and "-":
= decrease by 1 hour each
decrease by ¹/2 hour each