Parameter Setting
page 77
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
pressed< function. The measurement system will automatically reset the readings to
"0" should the flow velocities be lower than the value specified here.
This will set also the calculated volume to "0".
Only positive values can be entered here. The specified value is considered as abso-
lute value and is effective for both positive as well as for negative velocities.
28.1.11 Damping
This menu enables to adjust the display and analog output damping in seconds.
Damping relates to all flow velocity values which are available as input. It is not possible to
select individual values and to damp single values in different ways.
Taking the specified period, all readings are saved and a floating average is created for each
individual average value. This average is used for further calculation of the flow rate.
Input the value in steps of one second.
Factory default:
30 s
28.1.12 Stability
The stability parameter defines the period the transmitter bridges values without having valid
measurement events (e. g. in case of invalid flow velocity readings) available. During this
period the NivuFlow Mobile operates using the latest valid reading. If the specified period is
exceeded without detecting a correct value the NivuFlow goes back to reading >0< considering
the damping set.
The NivuFlow does not store the values.
Input the value in steps of one second.
Factory default:
30 s