Instruction manual
NivuFlow Mobile 600
page 110
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
>Compensation Temperature<
Manual entry of the ACTUAL medium temperature measured. Required to calcu-
late the offset (transit time).
• >Zero Point Adjustment<
>Offset (Difference)< and >Adjustment<
Detected velocity value available under "Delta t" in full filled channel with the dis-
charge closed. Set to negative once selecting >Adjustment< and will be included
with calculation accordingly.
37 Diagnostic Inputs/Outputs
37.1 Important Information on the Simulation
Personal injury and damage caused by improper simulation handling
The simulation will directly affect following plant sections. Disregarding may lead to personal
injury or damage your facility.
The simulation shall be executed by trained electricians only who shall have sound
knowledge on the entire control procedures of the according facility.
Prepare the simulation process carefully!
• Switch the following systems to manual operation.
• Disable actuating drives and similar or limit the according functions.
It is absolutely necessary to have a safety person available!
Effects on plant sections
The simulation of NivuFlow Mobile outputs will directly affect any following plant sections
without any safety locking measures.
Observe the hints contained within the above warning!
Important Note
NIVUS herewith in advance refuse any responsibility for any possible damage to persons
or objects at any extent due to the extremely high risk of danger and unforeseeable conse-
quences in the event of incorrect or faulty simulation!
This menu is divided in analog inputs, analog outputs, digital inputs and digital outputs.