Parameter Setting
page 85
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
Impulse Counter
The system counts and saves the number of ongoing signals at the digital input. The
counter simply counts the status changes detected at the digital input (1->0 or 0->1).
Selection/Input Options:
>rising< (status change from "0" to "1") or
>falling< (status change from "1" to "0")
28.3.4 Digital Outputs
The transmitter is equipped with one digital output.
Factory default:
Output not active
The following different functions can be assigned to the digital output.
Fig. 28-11 Digital output activation
Sum Impulses
Output of flow-proportional sum impulses.
Selection/Input Options:
>Normally open< or >Normally closed<
Negative sum impulses: check box
manual input
manual input
Limit Contact Flow
Exceeding the >Threshold on< value will output a digital signal, falling below >Thresh-
old off< will reset the digital signal = hysteresis function to avoid output flutter.
Selection/Input Options:
>Normally open< or >Normally closed<
Threshold on:
manual input
Threshold off:
manual input
Value at error:
>Off< or >On< or >Hold Value<