Instruction manual
NivuFlow Mobile 600
page 80
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
2. Specify >Weighting< and >Hydraulic Factor< if required. The default setting is
100 % or 96 %.
By modifying the >Weighting< value the involved paths can be weighted and
prioritised differently.
By modifying the >Hydraulic Factor< it is possible to include particular hydraulic
conditions prevailing at the measurement place (e. g. to calibrate a measurement
place). Upon request NIVUS provides technical support.
3. Repeat the previous steps for path 2 in line with path 1.
28.2.4 v-Minimum and v-Maximum
The >v-Minimum< and >v-Maximum< settings define the limit values for the velocity measure-
ment. The transmitter ignores occasional higher and lower velocities which hence will not be
shown. Permanently measured deviations are indicated as "0". Only the next realistic readings
will be indicated correctly.
Values within a range of -15 to +15 m/s can be set.
Default setting:
• • v-Minimum: -10 m/s
• • v-Maximum: 10 m/s