Instruction manual
NivuFlow Mobile 600
page 92
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
between the latest previous transmission and the current time.
>File Format<
>csv< or >txt<
>Data Depth<
Data depth is subdivided into four sections:
This is the appropriate format for the most applications and hence is the factory
default setting.
The saved data sets contain the following information:
- Date and time
- Totaliser
- Calculated flow rate
- Average flow velocity
- Water temperature
- Current values as well as the accordingly calculated values of enabled analog
and digital inputs
- Battery voltage
- NFM power consumption
This option is appropriate for the verification of critical, important applications and
is required mainly for servicing personnel.
The saved data sets contain the following information:
- Date and time
- Totaliser
- Calculated flow rate
- Average flow velocity
- Water temperature
- Current values as well as the accordingly calculated values of enabled analog
and digital inputs
- Average flow velocities of v-Paths 1 and 2 (if used)
This option should be used only by trained service personnel or the manufactur-
er’s developers. Such data sets may become very large very quickly.
>Day Totals<
This option saves only the day totals, no individual values.
This function is useful to transmit large data sets. In this case the selected files are
zipped as ".gz" files. The files can be unzipped by using the free "7-ZIP" software
>Save Data to USB<
This function permits to save measurement data covering a previously determined
period to USB stick.
Use this Function to save measurement data covering a previously determined period
to the operating unit (smartphone, tablet, notebook etc.).
>Delete Storage<
This function can be used to completely erase the internal data memory. Selecting
this option will prompt you to confirm. After confirmation with >Yes< the data will be
erased, >No< will abort the process.
>Load Parameters<
Use this function to load a parameter files previously saved to USB stick or the oper-
ating module back to the transmitter again.