Instruction manual
NivuFlow Mobile 600
page 76
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
28.1.7 Wall Material
Different pipe materials feature varying properties regarding the speed of sound.
The most usual pipe materials can be found in the selection menu.
Considering this selection as well as the specified measurement medium the transmitter com-
putes the sound transit time required for the measurement.
Selecting the wall material
If you cannot find the material of the pipe at the measurement place in the list select "User
defined". This action opens up another menu point which prompts you to specify e. g. the
speed of sound of the pipe material.
When it comes to determine the speed of sound within the pipe material contact the pipeline
28.1.8 Lining
In practice, cases occasionally arise in which pipelines are equipped inner linings. The most
usual lining materials can be found in the selection menu.
Considering this selection as well as the specified measurement medium the transmitter com-
putes the sound transit time required for the measurement.
Selecting the lining material
If you cannot find the lining material in the list select "User defined" and contact the pipeline
manufacturer for details on the speed of sound within the lining material.
28.1.9 Sludge Level
Depending on measurement medium and flow velocity horizontal pipelines may tend to sedi-
mentation on the pipe bottom.
The "Sludge Level" parameter permits to specify a certain sedimentation level within the pipe.
The sedimentation is then considered as non-moving partial area on the channel bottom with
horizontal surface. Prior to computing the flow rate this level height is subtracted from the
wetted hydraulic total area.
28.1.10 Low-Flow Suppression
This parameter is used to suppress lowest movements or apparent flow rates. The main area
of use is the measurement of discharge volumes in permanently filled constructions.
Check >Active< and enter the desired value in >Q suppressed< or >v suppressed<.
The low-flow suppression disregards the detection of very low flow velocity fluctuations.
• >Q suppressed<
Enter the flow rate as positive value.
Negative values are not possible. The specified value is considered as absolute value
and is effective in both positive and negative directions. The measurement system
will automatically reset the readings to "0" if the values should be lower than the value
specified here.
• >v suppressed<
This parameter permits to suppress apparent flow rates in applications featuring large
profiles and high levels. Very low velocity fluctuations may cause heavy apparent flow
rate fluctuations over a long period which cannot be suppressed using the >Q sup-