Instruction manual
NivuFlow Mobile 600
page 78
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
28.2 Menu v-Paths
The specifications in this menu point refer to the channel as defined in the >Measure Place<
Moreover, this menu permits to enter some specifications required to calculate the sensor
positions. In this menu the NivuFlow Mobile shows the sensor mounting distances after the
specifications are completed.
The >v-Paths< menu provides tabs for the v-paths 1 and 2 on the top right.
The basic structure applies for all menus, the indicated sensors and values, however, may vary
depending on the application.
28.2.1 Sensor Types in >Clamp-On< Transit Time Mode
The same selection of sensors (Fig. 28-5) is available for both v-paths. Select from >Automatic
Detection<, >NIC-CO01< and >User defined<.
Fig. 28-5
Sensor Selection Menu
Select Sensor Type:
• >NIC-CO01<:
The values for the sensor itself are pre-set and cannot be selected or changed.
• >Automatic Detection<:
The NivuFlow Mobile detects the values without the need to previously select the
sensor type; mandatory requirement here is the use of NIVUS sensors however.
• >User defined<:
The values for >Angle<, >Frequency<, >Offset< and >Coupling Wedge Speed of
Sound< must be specified.
Factory default:
Automatic Detection