Parameter Setting
page 61
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
Parameter Setting
25 General Programming
As a principle, modified parameters do not become effective before they have been saved.
The instrument verifies whether parameters have been changed when you exit menus by
using "Back". Finally, you will be prompted to eventually save modified parameters.
• >Yes<: modified parameters are accepted and saved.
• >No<: parameter modifications are rejected and the instrument will exit the menus.
• >Abort<: you will exit the prompt. Parameters remain to be modified, however will not
become effective and will not be saved.
Tip to repeatedly measure the same measurement places
If certain measurement places are to be measured not only once, but again and again it is
recommended to save the according parameter settings and readings (if required) on USB
stick. This eliminates the need to readjust parameters for the next measurement at the
respective measurement place by simply reloading the required data from the stick to the
For more details see chapter „29.3 Data Memory“ starting at page 91.
25.1 Save Parameters
Once all necessary (measurement place) parameters are specified, the data must be saved in
order to become effective.
Procedure (2 stages):
1. Select "Back": the message >Measurement Place Parameters modified. Reorder
Paths?< is shown. Confirm with >Yes< *¹.
The "Initialised!" message indicates successful initialisation.
*¹ Initialise modified parameters (in current menu) with >Yes<; >No< will abort
initialisation process, the last modified values remain active and the initialisation
process (in current menu) can be continued; to actually abort initialisation select
>No< if prompted >Save Parameters?< in the next step.
Select "Back" twice: a window opens asking >Save Parameters?<. Confirm with
>Yes< *².
The message "Successful!" indicates that the parameters have been saved.
*² >Yes< saves the new parameters; >No< will abort the saving process leaving
the last modified parameters active again; >Abort< will abort the saving process,
the last modified parameters remain active and the initialisation process can be