Parameter Setting
page 63
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
flashes red several times. The NivuFlow Mobile is "woken up".
5. The WLAN list indicates the NFM with the default SSID (identical to the serial no. of
the according instrument as specified on the nameplate).
6. Enter the default PUK as password.
7. Enter new password and, if required, SSID according to chapters „25.2 Change
WLAN Password“ and „25.3 Change Instrument SSID“.
8. To accept the new password/the new SSID reinitialise the instrument by removing
and reinserting the rechargeable batteries.
9. Activate the NFM within the next five minutes. Otherwise the modified password
will not be accepted, the instrument will continue to use the default ID and will only
respond to the default password.
10. Insert second battery if required.
11. Refit the battery compartment cover using the hexagon socket screws and close
the cover.
25.5 Automatic Data Transmission to USB Stick
In standard situations data stored in the NivuFlow Mobile are transmitted to the display and
operation module via WLAN.
See chapter „25.1 Save Parameters“.
If, in exceptional cases, this should not be possible e. g. due to the lack of WLAN, display and
operation module malfunction or empty batteries, it is possible to read out the data memory
automatically by using a plugged USB stick.
1. Open enclosure.
2. Plug USB stick.
3. "Wake up" the NivuFlow Mobile with the magnet (solenoid).
The transmitter automatically transmits the entire content of the measurement data
memory to the plugged USB stick as soon as no WLAN connection is available
within 10 minutes. The status LED on the transmitter flashes green during trans-
4. Data transmission is finished once the status LED has stopped flashing. The USB
stick can then be removed.