Parameter Setting
page 73
rev. 00 / 04.09.2017
28.1.1 Name of Measurement Place
This is where you can set the name of the measurement place.
Default setting
: "NIVUS1".
The default name is deleted automatically as soon as the first character of the new measure-
ment place name is entered.
Type the desired name of the measurement place into the text field and confirm with
"Enter". The name will be accepted and is shown in the main screen.
28.1.2 Transit Time Mode
Use >Transit Time Mode< to specify the measurement method. Select from:
• Clamp-On (sensors attached from the outside)
• Wet (installed sensors with direct medium contact)
The appearance of the following menus will vary depending on your choice. In such a case
both versions are described in the according section of the respective instruction manual.
Path Arrangement in >Clamp-On< Mode
Clamp-on measurements are set up diametrical. The most common variants are measure-
ments in diagonal direction ("diametrical \") or as V-Echo ("diametrical V") (Fig. 28-3).
Fig. 28-2
1-Path measurement, path arrangement: "diametrical V"
Select from:
• Diametrical \
• Diametrical V
• Diametrical VV
Path Arrangement in >Wet< Mode
Measurements with wet sensors can be set up either diametrical or chordal.
Select from:
• Diametrical \
• Diametrical V
• Diametrical VV
• Chordal \
• Chordal V
• Chordal VV
• Chordal X