Chapter 6
Capturing Images with Simple Operations
of DS
Re-capturing Displayed Images
You can save the image displayed in the screen as a still image file.
Cautions on saving an image
Do not remove the storage media device while an image is being saved. If you do so, the image might not be stored
correctly. Alternatively, the DS-L4 or the storage media device might be damaged. While saving is in progress, the icon
indicating the wait state appears. Do not remove the recording media device while this icon is displayed.
If you use a USB memory drive as the recording media, do not remove it while its access lamp is lit.
Settings for saving image files
Before you start photographing, make sure that the following settings are specified:
Storage destination
With the DS-L4, captured images can be saved to the internal memory, microSD card, USB memory drive, or
network drive.
Destination drive and folder
If you use a recording media device as the storage destination, set the destination drive (recording media) and
folder. For the setting procedure, refer to "8.2.3 (7) Specifying the destination media and save folder".
Setting the file type and image size
Set the details of images to be saved. Specify the necessary settings so that images will be saved in the
desired conditions. For details, refer to "Chapter 8 Capturing Images with Advanced Setting Menu".
File names to be assigned to images
A file name is automatically assigned each time image data is saved. You can select the file naming format. To
do so, in the [CAMERA MENU: SHOT/REC] screen, tap [FILENAME], and then select [DATE&TIME] or [CONT.
No.]. For details, refer to "8.2.3 (10) Selecting the image file naming format".
In the file name display area of the [CAMERA MENU: CAMERA] screen, you can check the file name to be
assigned to the image that will be captured next. You can also set any image file name in that area. For the
operation procedure, refer to "8.2.3 (9) Checking/temporarily specifying the file name to be assigned".
Consecutive capture with the interval timer
"Consecutive capture" is a DS-L4 function that automatically captures images at regular intervals. To perform
consecutive capture, refer to "8.2.3 (1) Setting the shot mode (still image)".
Capture sound
With the sound volume set to [1] or higher, the capture sound is heard twice: once at the time of capturing
operation and once at completion of image data saving. To change the volume setting for the sound, refer to
"13.2.5 (1) Setting the capture sound volume".
Saving annotations and measurement results
Annotations (such as free-hand drawings or text comments) or measurement results (such as lengths or angles)
can be embedded into an image to be saved.
For details on the scale, annotation, and measurement functions, refer to "Chapter 11 Adding scales and
annotations to images" and "Chapter 12 On-Screen Measurement".