Setting Parameters
7) Initialization session (VCA download): Preset, Auto
Factory setting: Auto
This parameter is effective only when the system setting is Blocker VCA.
8) VCA type: VCA-B, VCA-C
Factory setting: VCA-B
This parameter is effective only when the system setting is Blocker VCA.
[Parameter items and setting contents: default
1) Optical center height: -5.0 to +5.0 mm
Factory setting: +2.0 mm
The default value of optical center height.The value range is -5.0 to +5.0mm in increments of
0.1 mm.
2) Default groove Setting: On/Off
Factory setting: On (with grooving)
This parameter sets whether or not to perform grooving after turning on, loading the traced
data, measuring the demo lens shape, and selecting the nylor frame.
3) Groove depth: 0 to 0.8
Factory setting: 0.3
This parameter is for setting the default groove depth.
The default value range is 0 to 0.8 mm in increments of 0.1 mm.
4) Groove width: 0.6 to 1.2 mm
Factory setting: 0.6
This parameter is for setting the default groove width.
The default value range is 0.6 to 1.2 mm in increments of 0.1 mm.