WCM1100 / WCM3100 / WCM-Serial / LHM1000 / LVM2000 User Manual
76-02-082 Rev N
150 of 169 E1/E3 WAN Ports
The following alarms may be seen on an E1 or E3/DS3 interface.
Loss of Signal. No signal, or all zero’s is being received on the WAN
interface. Check the cable connection and that the remote
connection is correct.
Loss of Frame. This alarm indicates that frame synchronization
cannot be achieved. This usually indicates either a mismatch
between a framed and unframed interface, or a high bit error rate on
the line.
BERT Out Of Sync. When a BERT test is being performed, a BOOS
alarm indicates that the BERT receive cannot synchronise to the
receive signal. This may be caused due to having no loopback
applied, a pattern mismatch, or bit errors on the line.
Alarm Indication Signal. The AIS alarm indicates that an all 1’s
signal is being received. This alarm indicates that an error exists
downstream of the next network node. An AIS alarm typically
indicates a carrier network problem.
Remote Alarm Indication. An RAI alarm indicates that the remote
device is in an alarmed state. When an RAI is received, the fault lies
at the remote unit.
LCAS Do Not Use. When LCAS is enabled on the WAN link, a link
indicates DNU to ensure it is removed from the VCAT group. DNU is
a response from the remote unit to indicate it has a problem.
Loss of VCAT Multiframe. When VCAT is enabled, the LOM alarm
indicates that multiframe sync cannot be achieved. Serial WAN Ports
The following alarms my be seen on a serial port:
Link Down. The LKDN alarm on the serial port indicates that the
modem control signals are in the OFF state. Check the cable
Link Loss Forwarding. When the serial port enters the LLF state, it
will drop the modem control signals to indicate the port is down.