WCM1100 / WCM3100 / WCM-Serial / LHM1000 / LVM2000 User Manual
76-02-082 Rev N
166 of 169 Bit Error Rate
The bit error rate is calculated based on the number of errors received as a rate based on
the total received bit count.
During a short test the BER should usually be 0, however rates of 10-3 are considered
unavailable, whilst 10^-6 is severely errored and indicate major problems with the line. Clear Screen
Typing <C> during a test will clear the test results resetting the counters to 0. This should
always be done before starting a test to ensure any errors encountered before the loop
was applied are cleared. Inject Error
Typing <E> will inject a single bit error into the bit stream.
5.9.4 Traffic Generator
The Test Traffic Generator allows test traffic to be generated and received/monitored to
determine the quality of a link when a loopback is applied.
Metrodata WCM1100 "WCM Node A" Alarms: Major
Interface LAN1
Running No
packet siZe 64
Counters <display>
First CAPITAL - select item
<escape> - exit menu Interface
The test traffic generator may send/receive test traffic on any of the ports on the WCM.
The required port should be selected from the list: