WCM1100 / WCM3100 / WCM-Serial / LHM1000 / LVM2000 User Manual
76-02-082 Rev N
45 of 169
5.1.2 Setting the Node Name
To enable identification of the WCM, it is useful to enter a meaningful name for the unit.
The node name is entered as a string of up to 32 alpha numeric characters, including
Metrodata WCM3100 "WCM Node A" Alarms: Major
Time & date <menu>
Node name WCM Node A
Access Control <menu>
Software version Main 8.50 / Boot 5.5
Serial Number
Warm start
aUto Warm Start -
Cold start
Maintenance <menu>
First CAPITAL - select item
<escape> - exit menu
Once a node name has been defined, in this case “WCM Node A” it is displayed at the top
of each user menu to assist the user identify which device is currently connected.