WCM1100 / WCM3100 / WCM-Serial / LHM1000 / LVM2000 User Manual
76-02-082 Rev N
159 of 169
5.9.2 Test Pattern (for E1, E3 and DS3 WAN ports)
This Test pattern generator is only available for E1, E3 and DS-3 WAN ports.
The Test pattern generator allows a BERT test to be performed on the WAN interface.
When the Test pattern is enabled, the WAN port is disconnected from the LAN traffic as
the BERT pattern will overwrite the payload.
Typically a BERT test is performed with a loopback applied at a remote point in the
network. The WCM unit supports request of a loop at the remote WCM, however for fault
diagnosis intermediate node loops may be required. With intermediate node loops, it is
vital to ensure that the Test pattern is enabled before the external loop is applied otherwise
LAN traffic may be looped. Possible loopback positions are shown below:
When performing a BERT test of the WAN circuit, the initial stage should be to issue the
RL command to the remote WCM unit to perform an end to end test on the line. If this
fails, then contact the network operator to have loopbacks applied to the intermediate
nodes to prove the circuit in segments.
The WAN test pattern menu is as shown below:
Metrodata WCM3100 "" Alarms: Major
State Disabled
Pattern 2^15-1 (O.151)
pOlarity Inverted
Results <display>
First CAPITAL - select item
<escape> - exit menu