GTXI User's Guide
base) is detected, the carrier asserts the IOCS16
signal. If any of the MemS signals are asserted, the carrier
asserts the MEMCS16 signal. This switch should be in the ‘On’
position only if a 16-bit instrument board is installed. If this
switch is in the ‘Off’ position and a 16-bit instrument is
installed, the instrument board asserts the CS16 signal after an
additional delay. If this delay is too long, then 16BitEN should
be set to ‘On’.
The default settings for the special addressing modes are:
Carrier decoding is not GTXI-702 compatible.
Carrier enables Plug and Play address range.
Carrier does not assert CS16 signals.
These steps are given in greater detail in the sections that follow,
along with three examples.
Example 1: Short base address range and zero offset
This example uses a base address range of 300H-307H and offset
address of zero.
1. Set the base address.
The base address of 300H in binary becomes 11,0000,0000.
This translates in settings of (remember that A0-A3 are
A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4
1 1
0 0 0 0
The final address in the range is 307H, which in binary
becomes 11,0000,0111 (ignoring A0-A3):
A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4
1 1
0 0 0 0
So A4EN does not have to be set to OFF.
2. Set the offset address.
The offset address is set to zero, so set A10-A15 to zero (on).
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