Chapter 1 - Overview
GTXI-700 as a Stand-Alone Computer Platform
The GTXI–700 can be configured as a stand-alone master computer
platform requiring no additional support chassis. In this
configuration, the platform is designated as GTXI-700M. A GTPC-
7586 controller module is installed on the platform, offering a test
platform with minimal workspace requirements. Figure 1-1 and
Figure 1-2 show the GTXI-700 platform with a GTPC-7586
controller module. The controller module uses four slots on the
platform, leaving 10 GTXI slots available for boards. The controller
module comes with a floppy disk drive, a hard disk drive and four
ISA slots. One ISA slot is used by the single-board computer (SBC)
and another by the buffer board, leaving two standard ISA slots
Instrument Boards
Figure 1-1: GTXI-700A in Stand-alone Mode
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