Chapter 3 - Installing Instrument Boards
SW1-3 to 8 A9-A4
Base address of the instrument card.
These switches must be set to the same
logic position as the instrument board
base I/O Address.
SW2-5 to
Offset address value by increments of
0400h. ‘Off’ position is ‘1’ and ‘On’
position is ‘0’. If any of the A12EN-
A10EN are in the ‘Off’ position, the
increments will be different.
A4 Enable. Set to “Off” when the board
uses A4 for internal decoding (up to 32
consecutive addresses). When this
switch is in the ‘On’ position, A4 is
enabled in the carrier decoding. When
in the ‘Off’ position, A4 is masked out.
This switch must be set to ‘Off’ if A4
address line is not used for base address
decoding on the instrument board.
SW2-1 to 3 A12EN
A12, A11, and A10 Enable. When these
switches are in the ‘On’ position, A10-
A12 are enabled in the carrier decoding.
When in the ‘Off’ position, the
respective address bit is masked out.
These switches must be set to ‘Off’ if
the respective address line is used for
internal decoding on the instrument
Table 3-8: GT7020 Switch Assignments
Offsets can be between 0000H and FC00H in increments of 400H,
800H, 1000H, or 2000H, depending on switch settings.
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