Chapter 3 - Installing Instrument Boards
3. For both pre-defined and user memory:
a) Reserve resources in the system configuration for that
operating system to guarantee there will not be a conflict
in memory space.
If you are Windows 3.1, reserve the resources in
the Autoexec.bat file, the Config.sys file using the
EMM386 Device Driver, or the Device Manager.
b) To ensure the memory space is properly reserved, the
computer should be rebooted before running. This step will
be done later in this chapter.
Some GTPC controller modules use the D0000-
D7FFF memory range internally. Check with
Geotest if you have an instrument that must use
this memory area.
User-defined memory blocks can be anywhere in the
000000H-FFFFFFH address range. The block size is user-
defined in increments of 64K and MUST NOT overlap
memory space used by the controller.
Using a Memory Manager Utility
If the computer uses a memory management utility, such as
EMM386.EXE, the utility must be prevented from using the area of
memory reserved for the PC instrument board. When Windows
starts, it looks for any and all memory for its application programs.
If it sees a free area between 640K and 1Mb, it will try to use it.
Windows will not know that this area is reserved for the instrument
board unless it is configured to exclude this memory.
For example if the memory manager is DOS’s EMM386, change
the “device=emm386.exe...” statement in the CONFIG.SYS file to
something similar to this:
device= emm386.exe noems x=e000-ec00
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