crystal User Manual
Version: 6.6.0/2
16. Connecting a VisTool MK2 PC
VisTool Button Control
The Screen configuration can be used to create virtual control panels which will be operated from VisTool.
Click on the
Toolbar icon, or select
, to open the window:
Screen Configuration Window
You can zoom in (or out) on by pressing and holding CTRL while scrolling your mouse-wheel.
The MF Key labels are shown for all existing functions. Drag and drop an MF Key to swap the button functions -
an arrow will appear when valid "drop" position is reached. This works in the same way as the Central Module
MF Key swap described earlier.
Right-click on an empty panel slot to assign a Screen Panel:
The available options are:
Matrix 128 * 128 Control
- an XY matrix panel of 128 x 128.
Matrix Control
- an XY matrix panel of 90 x 30 (switched in pages).
Screen Blank Panel
– a blank panel (to replace an existing panel).
Screen Button
– 32 MF Key functions.
Screen Button RGB
– 64 MF Key functions with self-labeling, RGB buttons.
Scroll down to the lower slots and notice that some additional options become available:
Slot 11
Screen Matrix TB
- a talkback switching panel, with 32 buttons: