KRONE ISOBUS Terminal - Menus
Pos: 129.110 /BA/Info-Center/CCI-ISOBUS-Terminal/CCI-Ladewagen/Hauptmenüs/Bis 2013/Hauptmenü 1 Einstellungen/Menü 1-9 Gewichtserfassung /Gewichtserfassung im Automatikbetrieb / Lademodus @ 50\mod_1287730797953_78.docx @ 475221 @ 3 @ 1
Weight control in automatic mode
The weight control of the total weight of all the wagonloads for a customer counter is fully
automatic with the weight control in the automatic mode. The recording of the total weight for
one wagonload is finished when the cycle “Loading / unloading” of the wagon has run through.
In order to save the wagonload correctly the following points must be followed:
Set the desired counter mode (loading mode or cutting mode)
Between the loading and the undoading process there must be at least one minute
When loading the tailgate has to be closed
The offset drawbar cylinders must be unfolded at least 1-3 cm (not during direct loading /
unloading process)
With a possibly existent Tridem axle (optional) keep the lift axle lowered in float position for
at least 1 minute after the loading process as well as before and after unloading.
After the unloading process (closing the tailgate) has finished, make sure that the brakes on
the loading wagon and on the tractor are released for about 1 minute (otherwise the
measuring result will be falsified)
In the counter mode (loading mode)
In the loading mode the weighing begins directly after the loading process has finished. For
this reason, it is essential that the brakes on the loading wagon and on the tractor are
released for about 1 minute after the unloading process (otherwise the measuring result will
be falsified).
After the unloading process
After unloading the load sensing equipment will be set to zero after one minute. Doing this,
deviations in the display may arise.
The result of the weighing will only be assigned to the customer counter after the system has
set the load sensing equipment to zero.
Pos: 129.111 /BA/Info-Center/CCI-ISOBUS-Terminal/CCI-Ladewagen/Hauptmenüs/Bis 2013/Hauptmenü 1 Einstellungen/Menü 1-9 Gewichtserfassung /Gewichtserfassung im Automatikbetrieb / Häckselmodus @ 174\mod_1371451269077_78.docx @ 1487745 @ @ 1
In the counter mode II (cutting mode)
The weight control (weighing) is made permanently during loading until the tailgate is opened. A
timeline results due to this. After opening the tailgate, the timeline which was recorded at last is
adopted as the measurement result. To guarantee that the result is not falsified, do not park the
attachment with brakes applied until the tailgate is opened but, even before this, complete the
unloading process.
After the unloading process
After unloading, the load sensing equipment will be set to zero after one minute. Doing this,
deviations in the display may arise.
The result of the weighing will only be assigned to the customer counter after the system has
set the load sensing equipment to zero.
Pos: 129.112 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1