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J&J’s exclusive high-e
ciency, brush-type, permanent magnet motor is directly activated through the relay; because this
outboard-style unit operates in water, no “ramp up” is required.
How a simple DC electric motor operates: When the coil is powered, a magnetic
eld is generated around the armature.
The left side of the armature is pushed away from the left magnet and drawn toward the right, causing rotation.
The squirt pump is a sealed, 24VDC, brushless, submersible-style pump that is powered through the same type of solid-
state switch and magnetic trigger system that operates the motor relay.
The bilge pump is a 24VDC, sealed, brushless, automatically-activated unit. The self-contained solid-state electronics
energize the pump motor on a pulse method; if the amp draw is above a preset threshold, it indicates that water is present
and the pump will continue operation until the amp draw drops, indicating that no water is present.
If the inlet is su
ciently blocked, no water will enter the inlet and the pump will not sense amp draw, so it
will shut o
, even though water continues to accumulate in the hull. It is imperative that the daily inspection includes
removing the vent plate and, with a
ashlight, inspecting to see if water is building up in the hull.
A bilge pump fuse, which is accessible for service from the outside of the hull near the vent plate, is located in the power
feed line from the main buss. (See Bilge Pump, page 2-40.)
The volt meter is the overall monitor of the electrical condition of the system. It is tied in at the major distribution buss at
the rear/side of the hull. This is a 24VDC, brass-bezel, sealed unit. (See Volt Meter and wiring, page 2-35.)
The safety switch/breaker is a marine-grade unit that combines switching and circuit protection into a single device which
meets SAE J1171 requirements for marine application. All power out to the boat is routed through here, as well as all
incoming power from the charging device and wire leads. Note: If there is high resistance in the system, heat and possible
re can occur without tripping the breaker; this is why the switch/breaker is located in an easily accessible position on the
outside of the hull. (See breaker and wiring, page 2-31.)
The charge line and charger feeds current through the SB connector, breaker and main buss to the battery pack. Keep
in mind that a charge line will always have available current at the SB connector from the battery pack, even when
disconnected from the charger. Do not short across these terminals or allow the connector to hang into the water.
(See charger, charger lead and charger box, page 2-63.)