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The magnetic trigger is a high-quality, neodymium magnet housed in an injection-molded holder that is designed to be
loose when properly mounted, but not able to rotate. This is required, as there is top side and a bottom side to the unit.
The bottom side must face toward the solid state switch.
Mounting the magnet “up” side down will result in a
poor or non-functioning solid state switch.
The J&J relay (J&J #2-70-0037) is a simple 24VDC, marine-style unit. It consists of a spring-loaded plunger that is moved
via an electromagnet. This magnet is created when the control circuit (two small contact posts) is energized via the micro
solid state switch circuit. When the pull in circuit is energized, the plunger moves up and a large contact washer makes
the connection between the input and output (large) terminals, thus allowing high-amperage current to
ow to the motor.