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A galvanic anode is the main component of a galvanic cathodic
protection (CP) system used to protect buried or submerged
metal structures from corrosion.
Anodes are made from a metal alloy with a more “active” voltage
(more negative electrochemical potential) than the metal of the
structure. The di
erence in potential between the two metals
means that the galvanic anode corrodes, so that the anode
material is consumed in preference to the structure.
The loss (or sacri
ce) of the anode material gives rise to the
alternative name of sacri
cial anode.
As this device is made to deteriorate, it begins to “die” the
minute it is placed in the water. To be e
ective, it must have
good contact with the material you are protecting, and have
good exposure to the water. With this in mind, remove and
clean the contact surfaces. A wire brush works well for this. If
the anode looks like swiss cheese, it has lived its useful life and
needs to be replaced.
To remove, clean, or replace the anode,
remove the bolts from the squirt pump.
Apply silicone to the bolt threads before installing anode.
(For best results, use J&J #013331.)
Replacement anodes available at J&J. # 37398101