8. Accident handling
Blown fuse
If the fuse is blown (as arrowed), it is
recommended to replace it with a new
fuse of the same color and identification in
a GAC Motor authorized shop.
Some electrical consumers may be
equipped with multiple fuses each, or
multiple electrical consumers may share a
single fuse.
● All electrical consumers must be turned
off before replacement of fuses.
● If it is required to replace the fuse,
p l e a s e c o n s u l t t h e G A C M o t o r
authorized shop.
● Fuses must not be reused.
● Do not use a fuse with rated current
higher than the specified value;
otherwise other components of the
electrical system will be damaged.
● Using an inappropriate or repaired
fuse will cause a short circuit or even
a fire.
● The color and logo of the replaced
fuse must be exactly the same as the
original one.
● Never replace a fuse with metal
sheets, clips, etc.
● The PDU must be kept clean inside.
Pay attention to protection against