Self-Test Descriptions,
Interval Timer
Self-Test (T 7)
The following test is included:
Interrupt test
Enables the interval timer interrupts. It lowers the IPL for
30 ms and counts the number of interrupts. If there are too
few or too many interrupts, an error occurs.
Self-Test (T 8)
The following test is included:
System ROM test
Checks the system ROMs one byte at a time to ensure that
they contain the correct manufacturing check data and the
correct checksum.
Self-Test (T 9)
The NI self-test is for the network interface.
Setup Notes
You must install an external loopback connector or a network
connection (cable) at the selected network port before running a
The following tests are included:
Network Address ROM test
Verifies the 32-byte network address ROM, which contains
the unique 6-byte network address along with the 2-byte
checksum and test data byte. It checks for a null or multicast
address, calculates/compares the checksum, and verifies the
test data bytes.
SGEC Register test
Tests the address and data paths to the SGEC register
address port (RAP) and the register data port (RDP) for each
of the four control status registers (CSRs).
SGEC Initialization test
Continued on next page