LCSPX Utility
The following is an example of the LCSPX utility menu. An
explanation of the items is included to the right of the menu. See
Figure 5–7.
0 - SPX-wh-scrn
!White screen
1 - SPX-rd-scrn
!Red screen
2 - SPX-bl-scrn
!Blue screen
3 - SPX-gr-scrn
!Green screen
4 - SPX-4c-cbar
!4 color bars
5 - SPX-8c-cbar
!8 color bars
6 - SPX-8g-gscl
!8 gray scale bars
7 - SPX-ee-scrn
!Screen of Es
8 - SPX-ci-xhct
!Cross hatch with circle
9 - SPX-sc-hhhs
!Screen of scrolling Hs
A - SPX-wh-half
B - SPX-rd-half
C - SPX-gn-half
D - SPX-bl-half
SPX_util >>>
!SPX utility prompt
SPXg/gt Utility
The following example shows the SPXg/gt utility menu.
>>>t/util 2
0 - SP3D-wh-scrn
1 - SP3D-rd-scrn
2 - SP3D-gn-scrn
3 - SP3D-bl-scrn
4 - SP3D-4c-cbar
5 - SP3D-8c-cbar
6 - SP3D-8g-gscl
7 - SP3D-ee-scrn
8 - SP3D-ci-scrn
9 - SP3D-sc-hhhs
SP3D_util >>>
Continued on next page